אני חושבת שהן אשכרה זוכרות בע"פ
התסריט של הסדרה.
אתר מעניין עם כל מיני שטויות. ובבקשה: Skin Deep Dr. Wilson: [gruff disguised voice] House - this is God. Dr. Gregory House: [in MRI chamber] Look, I'm a little busy right now; not supposed to talk during this things - got time Thursday? Dr. Wilson: Let me check - ohh, I gotta plague! What about Friday? Dr. Gregory House: You'll have to talk to Cameron. Dr. Wilson: Oh, dammit! She always wants to know why bad things happen. Like I'm going to come up with a *new* answer this time! Dr. Lisa Cuddy: [enters MRI room] House! Dr. Gregory House: Quick, God! Smite the evil witch! Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Are you sitting on evidence that your patient was sexually abused by her father? Dr. Gregory House: God, why have you forsaken me?