נתחיל בכך
שלא כל תיאור שמשתמש בהרבה adjectives הוא טוב מבחינה ספרותית.
ולעיקר, מדוע ציטטת רק פסקה אחת?
הנה עוד ציטוט מתוך אותו ספר, מפי האתון עצמו:
I've always been rather very one-sided about the science, and when I was younger, I concentrated almost all my effort on it. I didn't have time to learn, and I didn't have much patience for what's called the humanities; even though in the university there were humanities that you had to take, I tried my best to avoid somehow to learn anything and to work on it. It's only afterwards, when I've gotten older and more relaxed that I've spread out a little bit — I've learned to draw, and I read a little bit, but I'm really still a very one-sided person and don't know a great deal. I have a limited intelligence and I've used it in a particular direction.
וכפי שמעיד העורך של הספר, הוא (העורך) התערב בכתיבה.
Feynman had a very casual attitude toward proper grammar, as clearly shows in most of the pieces, which were transcribed from spoken lectures or interviews. To maintain the Feynman flavor, therefore, I generally let stand his ungrammatical turns o f phrase. However, where poor or sporadic transcription made a word or phrase incomprehensible or awkward, I edited it for readability.