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McFly rullz

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זה מצחיק אותי משום מה שאצלינו בארץ לילדים בני עשר כבר יש שערות בבית שחי ובשאר מקומותXD ולכל האירופאים וזה מתחיל לצמוח באיזה גיל 16 ככהXD למרות שגם יש יוצאי דופןD: חתיכיםD:


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../images/Emo207.gif+מקפליי במגזין MIZZ[לא יודעת אם כבר פר

סמו את זה כאן או לא].
=מראיין. עמוד 1:
Hey Harry, what made you decided to run the London Marathon this year? "well i'd been wanting to do a big fundraising event for a while. And i thought committing to running the marathon would be great, and the best way to raise as much money as possible, so i've given myself a challenge"
But you didn't mandage to rope your bandmates into joining you... "No...Well Danny's ben on a couple of runs with me so that's been good, but they weren't up for the marathon - especially not Tom and Dougie! But they're very supportive of me and we do other stuff for charity." Do they ever wind you up? We've got visions of them lounging about eating takeaways in front of you
and laughing! "Nah, they're fine, but the health-eating side of it all has been hard. I may not look like a lad who likes his food, but i do"!"
Anything you're missing in particular? "Not really, to be honest. I never really ate badly, but the main thing is just when you eat, and eating regularly-I've got all sorts of food schedules."
How about the training - has it been tough? "Yeah, its been weird doing training because for the past four years, we've never really exercised apart from what we do on stage - so going to the gym is quite a big deal."
Are you hping for a washboard stomach by the end of all this? "Er...."
Sorry, maybe you have one already... " i certainly don't! When you're running a lot you lose weight, so i've been eating a lot of protein and stuff, so i don't lose too much. I don't want to look too rakey 'case i've gotthis nice little vest to wear and i don't want to look like a stick insect!"
You're running for the Teenage Cancer Trust and Brain Injury Rehabillitation Trust (BIRT) Why those two charities in particular? "TCT because when i was 12, my best friend suffered from cancer. He was treated at Addenbrooke's hopital in Cambridge and a lot of our fans are teenager. Plus, over the years we've done a lot of hspital visits and have been so touched by the people we've met - its the perfect charity, really."
How about BIRT "A friend of mine was treated ther 10 years ago. I go and visit him al ot so, you know these are the two charities closest to lmy heart."
Even super-cool pop stars have worries...
Are you scared about competing? " A little bit, yeah, but more excited."
What time are you aiming to run it in? " I just want to complete it , have a great day, raiselots of money and not have to crawl to the finish!!
Are you concerned you might 'do a jade goody' and crash and burn mid-marathon? "She's been my inspiration - the warning for everyone running it! Hopefully i'll do better than she did, though! People say that, at 20 miles or so you 'hit the wall', where you're just like, 'i cant't go on!' and it's about getting past that. On the day, with all the support, hopefully it'll be fine."
Will the boys be there to cheer you on? "Yeah - I hope so."
יש המשך:]


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../images/Emo126.gifהמשך..אמ-זה בקשר לריצה הזאת שהוא עשה.

Just the thing to keep a runner on his toes"! blondes or brunettes? Both! Either!" Cats or dogs? "Dogs." Bath or shower "Ooh, shower." Deit or normal coke? "diet." Batman or Superman? "Batman." Giant webbed feet or claws for hands? "Probably giant webbed feet, because you could probably hide them better. Actually, how giant are we talking?" Pretty giant - OK, like Godzilla giant! "I guess you coulod just wear gloves. Right , i suppose i'd pick claws, then" Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton? Neither! Who was I watching in a film last night? Heather Graham - there you go." Stuff we bet you're dying to know about the luscious Mr Judd - 'cause we certainly were! Tell us bout your first crush.... "Probably on my matron at school - she was fit! But then, i was about seven at the time!" Your first kiss - a clash of teeth'n' tongues or sickeningly romantic? " Er, teeth and tongues. It was horrible - and it wasn't my fault, it was hers! What's your worst habit? "Cracking my knuckles - like that" [ Gives us a demo, which sets our teeth on edge!] Ever have any embarrassing idols as a lad? "Nah, I was just into footie." Such a boy! What's your weakness? "Having a lie-in all moring" S o that's why you were late meeting us? "No, this morning i really did get up - Really!" Name one thing you can never say no to. "Dougie! I can never say lno to Dougie. He rings me up when he's bored and i'll be quite happy knowing what i'm doing but he'll want to do stuff, so i'm like, OK then!" What's your party piece? "I don't know, but when i think party, i think what a terrible dancer i am! I used to be good at it - when i was 12, i thought i ws amazing. Now i just do 'embarrasing dad'-type dancing!" Talking of parties, small talk can be awkward when your'e in a band "When i'm trying to break the ice, i tend to just do the ''Hi, nice to meet you, how you doing? kind of thing." Ever use "i'm in McFly!" as an opener "Ha ha! or, 'what do you do? Actually, i hate it when people ask me that question'cause if they don't know, its like 'What do you do? 'Er, I play the durms.' 'Oh right, are you in a band? 'yeah.' 'Whats it called?' 'McFly!' Then they feel stupid right? "No, I haate it when people then apologise - ' Oh i'm sorry, i didn't know!' and then i'm like,'it's ok, don't worery! I dunno, I generally just try to be polite. I've never really heard any of my friends use chat-up lines- I don't think they really work." Last word "I'm really looking forwasrd to raising much -needed funds for two charities which i hold close to my heart, and when i cross that finishing line it'll have been owrth all the hours i've put into my training. Please sponsor me by visiting my website, www.harryrunsthemarathon.com" זהו. תודה לפורום הרשמי.

rox love BSM

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AW איזה חמוד הוא לא יכול להגיד

'לא' לדאגי אבל מצד שני מי כן יכול?
חחח איזה חמודדד ואפחד לא יכול לומר "לא" לדאגי

מי לעזאזל יכול?! |מושלם| סתכלו על הפנים האלו!! אררררר נמסההה !!
האריי כפרהה עלייך !!
../images/Emo7.gif אין לי מחשב אני כל הזמן הולכת לסבא שלי XD

לאן הדרדרנו !! שלי לא יהיה מחשב !! לעומת סבא שלי שלא יודע בכלל להשתמש במחשב !! XDDD שמת לב?? איזו חמודההה
אוףף התגעגעתי


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אין יותר כאפה ממני !!
יווווו פאדיחות...חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח
אז אפחת לא שמה לב..
חח..נו טובב...

white in Angel

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