Pter Singer
ואכן מבדיקה שערכתי Other views Zoophilia: in a 2001 review of Midas Dekkers' Dearest Pet: On Bestiality[1], Singer stated that "mutually satisfying activities" of a sexual nature may sometimes occur between humans and animals and that writer Otto Soyka would condone such activities. Singer states that Dekkers believes that Zoophilia should remain illegal if it involves what he sees as "cruelty", but otherwise is no cause for shock or horror. Singer believes that although sex between species is not normal or natural, it does not constitute a transgression of our status as human beings, because human beings are animals or, more specifically, we are great apes. Religious groups, animal rights groups, and others have condemned this view, while animal rights organization PETA has supported them כשאדם מאמין בשיווין בין בני אדם ובעלי חיים, זה לא פלא שמתפתחות אצלו דיעות חולניות אחרות. המדהים הוא, שבניגוד לחברי שאת דבריו הבאתי לעיל, אני לא חושב שהוא אדיוט, המילה גאון כנראה מתאימה לו יותר, ולכן זה כל כך מפחיד.