סופן של החנויות הלא-וירטואליות הולך ומתקרב...


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רק חבל שהוא לא עשה את ה- decent thing ולא פרש כבר מלפני מספר חודשים.


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אני חושבת שנבחר ציבור

אמור לשרת את הבוחרים שלו ואת אמריקה, וכאשר הוא אינו מסוגל לעשות זאת, כאשר הוא לא מגיע לוושינגטון חודשים ארוכים (כמדומני מאז דצמבר לא היה שם ולא השתתף בהצבעות) - בקיצור, אינו מבצע את תפקידו - הוא אמור להתפטר ולא להצמד לכסא.
קראתי לפני חודשיים שלושה שהסיבה שלא התפטר היא כנראה כי רצה לקבל הבטחה שאשתו, סינדי, תחליף אותו, וכאשר לא קיבל הבטחה כזו מאת הגברנור של אריזונה, החליט לעשות דווקא ולא להתפטר.


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If the shoe was on the other foot

and Hillary was doing 5% of what Trump is doing, Republicans would be marching in the streets (Tea Party style) and demanding impeachment, to lock her up, I think some hardcore Trump supporters would even go for civil war.
Democrats are too weak to do anything real against
this lying, treasonous and criminal sack of crap Trump. Any help from people like McCain was well appreciated.


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simple world

Trump bad - anyone/anything else good (or better). Reality is a little more complex than that.
Trump haters seem to be as fanatic/irrational as they claim Trump supporters are

John the Savage

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התחלת טוב: טראמפ הוא רע. נכון.

כל אחד אחר יותר טוב? ממש לא. יש עדיין אנשים בעולם: רוצחים, אנסים וכו' שיותר גרועים מטראמפ. אפילו הרבה יותר. רק שהם לא מחזיקים בעמדה של נשיא המעצמה החזקה בעולם.


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פוטין? אבל היתרון שלו שהוא פי מיליון יותר חכם

מכל האחרים גם יחד.

John the Savage

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יש עוד יתרון אחד לפוטין מבחינתי

הוא לא עומד בראש המדינה בה אני חי. והוא מנהיג של מדינה שהיא מלכתחילה לא ממש דמוקרטיה, אז יש לו פחות מה להרוס.

יש גם מנהיגים אחרים שיותר גרועים מטראמפ. דוטרטה, ארדואן, קים ג'ונג און. אבל כולם לא בעיה שלי.


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לא בעיה שלך... בינתיים. לצערי, זה עלול להשתנות.

לדעתי פוטין הוא בהחלט בעיה לא רק עבור העם שהוא מנהיג.


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Of course you can always find worse than Trump

but is that how we measure Presidents?
Trump is unfit to be President, a corrupt criminal running a criminal enterprise in Washington that should be removed from office as soon as possible.
I don't like McCain's politics. I didn't vote for him either when he ran against Obama. However, Trump is not worthy enough to even lick McCain's boots.
One served his country honorably for many years and one dodged the draft and is now pretending to love the troops. He doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself.
The funny thing is that Trump said he is the healthiest man you'll ever meet. Why was he than not healthy enough to go to Vietnam with the troops he pretends to love so much?


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Two things happened Iris

Trump is much worse than anticipated.
His hardcore base loves him more now than they ever did before.
The worse Trump gets the more his base loves him.


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What's wrong with Trump?

A few points because I don't have all night
He lies non-stop. They already counted 5,000 lies since he took office
He comes up with these made up conspiracy theories that anyone with half a brain can see right through
He spreads hate. that's what got him elected and keeps his base alive. Hate toward anyone who doesn't support him
He is a racist and he spreads racism. He started his political career with a racist lie that Obama was not born here and continues showing his hate toward black and brown people. NFL players are SOBs, Mexico sends rapists and murderers here, Don Lemon and LeBron James are stupid etc....
He is a bigot that shows constant hate toward democrats and anyone who dares to disagree with him (for example McCain)
He pretends to be a patriot but if so where the f$$$ was he when they tried to draft him. He now claims to be the healthiest person alive if so why didn't he go to Vietnam like McCain
He wants to be and behaves like a dictator.
He called the press the enemy of the state. WTF. Can you imagine Obama calling Fox News the enemy of the state?
He pretends to be the "law and order" guy but constantly talks crap about law enforcement agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA etc...) because they are investigating his crimes and not going against his opponents.
He only cares about the constitution when it helps him. 2nd amendment yes. 1st amendment no (unless it’s his base speaking).
He bullies people on tweeter
He complained against Obama’s vacations yet he vacations and plays golf a lot more than Obama
He kisses up to people in an exaggerated manner when they are with him. He then turns on them like a snake when they stop supporting him
His administration is like a train station. People come and go like it was Grand Centeral.
Obama and Clinton did not serve in the military but didn’t pretend to be the best thing that happened to the troops nor did they denigrate people like McCain who did serve (not to mention spending 5.5 years in a POW camp)
To be continued..........


John the Savage

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אני בטוח שהיא יודעת את כל זה

פשוט לא איכפת לה.

בזמנו, אמרו על steve jobs שהוא יוצר סביבו reality distortion field. אותו הדבר נכון גם לטראמפ. זו כניראה תכונה אופיינית להרבה פסיכופאטים. כל הטראמפיסטים שמושפעים מה-reality distortion field של טראמפ יודעים את כל זה עליו, אבל הם פשוט חושבים שזה לא חסרון אלא יתרון ...