let's be straight here
now, i won't call for DISQUALIFYING your vote, beacuse it seems so useless and irelevant to me.. BUT i'm trying to realize, or maybe question your integrity, or lack of integrity. so i got it, you're back. OPEN A NEW THREAD. i think voting against an album you didn't even hear, and on the TOP 5, no less, well that's just unfair. i understand, you want to state your opinion, upon the sferic (or internetic) waves, and maybe you should, but is it right to vote against an album you don't even know? hold your fire, don't vote, wait for the final round or something, i don't know. the best solution is to run to the record store, or a helping friend, and get it. who knows, you might hear it some day, and tell yourself "how could i vote against this amazing creation in this majorly importent competition????!?!?!!?!?!?!1one" think about it.